We are 100% able to continue to provide services to each and every client, and we are available through almost all our regular channels to assist you. Over the past days, we have set up Remote Access to computers in our office. This allows us to prepare and Process Payroll, issue Bill Payment services, prepare Business and Individual Tax returns, and Consultation as needed.
In addition, we are staying abreast of Federal COVID 19 legislation and announcements that affect business, as well as State information for WA, AZ, OR, and California -- and are reporting to you as pertinent information becomes available.
Our contact info:
All email, voice mail, and other forms of contact are available and working except for our 415 phone number – which is somehow disabled possibly because our phone line runs through the SF switchboard system. Please use 707-824-4203, or 888-492-4595.
We will continue to process payroll timely – be sure to send that to Payroll@RecordsInOrder.com. If you have changes or stoppage, be sure to inform us.
For ongoing accounting clients, your income and expense transactions still need to be compiled, categorized, and organized – we will continue to do that. We do realize that there may be less transactions during ‘shelter in place’ times, and I take that under consideration.
Tax Returns:
2019 tax returns still need to be prepared. The Federal extension of time to file does not affect you or us in that regard – inasmuch as we all already had a 6 month extension allowed. We will continue to process Business and Individual tax returns in the order received – UNLESS you inform us not to. Keep in mind that for business owners that the business return must be prepared before your individual tax return.
As always, I am available regarding any business matter, but specifically with regard to COVID 19. We will continue to send out information as it is available. I have received valuable input from clients – please keep that coming as it helps me focus on things that are important to you or specific to your business, and helps me with information that can help others. Thank you for that.
Stay the Course:
Though this quarantine period is difficult and can be stressful for many, let’s stay the course and keep plugging. As I indicated in one of my videos, I challenge you to use this time wisely, to contemplate how you can improve business, how you can improve or add services, how you can be more efficient, how you can improve the work environment – to take new knowledge, examine yourself and your business and how you might “re-invent”. Meanwhile, I will do all I can from this end, and am open to your input and suggestions as well.
We will all work through this, learn new things, and come out stronger when it is over. It’s what the human spirit does.
A colleague offered this e-book on stress, which she is providing for free. Download it here.