Under the Congress Phase 1 Family’s First legislation, The Disaster Unemployment Assistance [DUA] program was activated. State unemployment funds are generally paid into by employers, which means such unemployment benefits are for employees.

The activation of the DUA allows self-employed individuals to apply for unemployment benefits, too, Self-employed persons should include spouses on a contract or stipend basis who are employed by the corporation or other business entity of their spouse.
Arizona DUA
This is a special form of federal unemployment insurance payable to workers and self-employed individuals when they lose their jobs as a result of a major disaster. The AZ Dept of Economic Security website indicates that they would announce when this is active. I don’t yet see an announcement, but it should be active du to the declared a disaster, as well as the Federal legislation activating DUA.
Per AZ instructions: To file for unemployment insurance benefits, visit www.azui.gov(link is external), and click on the button titled “Apply for UI Benefits.”
California DUA
The EDD provides services to people and businesses affected by disasters in California.
If you lost your job or cannot work because of a disaster or emergency, you may be eligible for Unemployment Insurance (UI), Disability Insurance (DI), or Paid Family Leave (PFL) benefits.
When authorized by the President of the United States, Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) may also be available for workers and self-employed people who do not qualify for regular UI benefits.
I understand you can file a claim here:
Washington State DUA
You can be eligible for DUA even if you are not eligible for regular unemployment benefits.
This is true even if:
· You are self-employed.
· You could have started working but for the disaster.
There isn’t much or anything yet on this topic on the ESD website, but check back here for more info. Self-employed persons may also attempt to apply for unemployment and see where the ESD takes you. https://esd.wa.gov/unemployment
Additional ‘layoff’ assistance for Washington employers can be found here:
Oregon DUA
Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) is funded by FEMA and administered by the Employment Department. Benefits are payable in the first week after the week in which the President declares a major disaster.
Find information here on eligibility and application guidelines: